our story
And how we get going

why we do what we do
We set up Studio Coppre in 2014, because we wanted to do something meaningful at that point in time. Meaningful for artisans for a better economic return and for recognition of their talents and skills. Meaningful for customers who were looking for quality handcrafted products with a sense of nostalgia but with a contemporary appeal and meaningful for us, who wanted to make a difference through our work.
We are proud to say that our multipronged approach comprising Financial, Design and Market interventions, has helped us revive the dying traditional Copper Craft form of Maharashtra.
In the meanwhile, we have spread our learnings to other craft sectors in India as well. Our work now includes the craft forms practised by Bronze artisans of Rajasthan, Gujarat and West Bengal, Weavers of West Bengal and Basketry Artisans of Uttar Pradesh, impacting the lives of around 550 artisans.

our beginnings
Working with artisanal sectors in India is challenging to say the least. We’ve been fortunate to have the support (moral and fiscal!) of so many during our journey.
In our initial days, we were supported by the Pune Chapter of INTACH (Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage). INTACH provided us the early marketing platform and artisan community mobilisation efforts. Our project matured further with seed funding support from The Forbes Marshall Foundation. Eventually Coppre was hived off into a Social Enterprise through an angel investment by the Late Mr. Adhar Mirchandani.
why the name coppre?
Our brand is named after Copper, the very first material and craft we started working with.
We retain the name even today, as we like what this material represents and alludes to – natural, inherently glamorous, recyclable and malleable to shape and evolve.
And how does one say Coppre? Just as you would Color !

artisanal craft . heritage . culture

India’s Artisan base is primarily rural and it follows naturally that the craft outcomes of this sector are an expresssion of geographical, local and community-based traditions. The data on the Artisanal sector in India still remains uncertain, with data numbers pointing to a range from 7 million to 200 million. Craft communities are diverse and distributed accross all of India’s regions.
Artisanal Craft cultures of India are rich repositories of indigenous tangible and intangible knowledge systems. Many of these are oral, and passed down generations. Some are embedded into crafts processes, material know-how, tools and skills. Still others are encapsulated within rituals, festivals and customs.
Working with craft communities is an enriching experience, full of exploration and discovery. In engaging with artisans, we deeply experience their cultures and traditions. And taking artisanal wares to customers affords us the happy opportunity to transport these cultures to a wider audience.
We believe that in a world that has increasingly become directed towards a mono-culture, conservation of heritage and recognitions accorded to local culture are the way forward for artisanal communities. Join us in our journey as we endeavour to both promote and perpetuate India’s heritage and cultural legacy.

sustainability goals at coppre
Our sustainability goals are aligned to the UN SDG goals 2, 8, 11, 12 to achieve sustainable development for all our stakeholders.
1 social
to marginalised
2 environment
circularitytechnically recyclable
biologically recyclable
gentle processes
3 economic
businesslong term interests
of all